Journey Boats Pricing Update
– 10 More Builds at Current Pricing –
Just a quick Journey Boats pricing update for those in the market for one of these super stable, super roomy all welded aluminum fly fishing rigs. Try as we might to keep the pricing as reasonable as possible, we are at a point where material & operational costs are forcing us to make some changes. Rest assured that we are going to do our best to make those changes as minimal as possible, including not implementing the increases until absolutely necessary. On that note, we have crunched the numbers and have determined that we can offer current pricing for only ten (10) more builds. So if you’ve been sitting on the fence now’s the time to pull the trigger and get yourself into one of the best BC Interior still water fly fishing platforms on the market!
Current Build Specs & Pricing
Get a Quote Here
Please see contact info below … 🙂
[email protected]
(250) 320-1609
… life’s a journey … get out there & fish it!
How much are your journey flat bottom boats
email to [email protected] and they’ll get back to you right away 🙂